Hey there cyberspace folks!
So, some of you know that I have a challenge of trying 40 things in a year. Yep, I turned 40. I decided that our lives are busy, but we all need to continue to evolve and try new stuff. One goals I have is skydiving. That's a lofty one, which I'll do...sometime...
I decided on a new goal today, thanks to my friend Stephanie's blog, where she had an online photography course of 12 weeks as a link. I'm going to stretch my shots based on the assignments she linked. I have recommitted to taking more photos (PLEASE check out my gallery at the bottom of this page), but I think the last time I really gained ground as a photographer was when I was enrolled in photography/darkroom classes a few years ago. I want to get better. It's something I always want to do, get better. We never stop growing, right?
This week is playing with aperature (which means the opening size of the lens you shoot with). So, hopefully next week I'll have some new interesting shots for the gallery. Until then, enjoy these shots of our trip to the lake in Eastern WA - where it was over 100 most of the time. Thank God for swimming in the lake!
Take care of each other,