Monday, January 19, 2009

New Year Blessings

Wow. Feel like the New Year has run us over. After settling back into school routines all routines were thrown out. Here's what's been happening at our household.

Plans were to take off for a meet in Salt Lake City on my birthday, Jan. 8. The Big 4-0. There has been so much flooding that freeways were beginning to close, so we hurriedly left a night early and stayed near the airport to we would get to Utah on time. Got there fine, Katie did great during her first Level 7 meet competing with teams she hadn't ever seen before. Had lots of wait time to reflect on how life is and what I should do with the upcoming year.

Got up to fly home and receive message my mom was in the hospital. Mild heart attack. Wanted to hurry but practiced waiting for flights. After docs decided to do an angioplasty they found she had 4 partial blockages. Discussed events, options, and plans with doctors. Scheduled subs and plans. Called on friends to help with our kids and work things. Mom had quadruple bypass.

Also, our brother in law went in for heart surgery in Tacoma, and we watched my neice and nephew inbetween buzzing back and forth to local hospital. Waiting for news on him was hard.

Mom moved in with Ron's folks for recovery while she figured out heart meds and insulin. (oh yes, found out she has diabetes while in hospital) Buzzing back and forth between two houses while balancing not having too many folks down there. Katie had another meet that weekend, did really well, even though she landed really hard on a tumbling pass and limped for two days.

Ron went on first ski trip of the season with the ski school. Icy conditions. Caught an edge on his skis, wrapped his arms in to not break wrists and ended up breaking 3 ribs. Went to ER, got drugs, came home to recuperate. Waited for him to get better. He ended up not being able to sleep or breathe, so went back in. His doctor admitted him to the hospital because he had fluid in his lungs. Got bigger drugs so he'd rest and breathe, fluid went away. Waited for discharge people all day, and he came home.

Brother in law was readmitted to hospital because he was having problems breathing. Fluid in HIS lungs. He was stabilized and sent back to Tacoma to be with his doctor. Waited for news again. After a chest tube and big drugs, he got well enough to come home.

Moved Mom back home. Got her settled, medications lined out, menus, and helped with other things to make sure she was safe. She is doing fine, learning new routines.

Katie continued to complain about her ankle. Took her to the pediatrician. She referred us to a specialist at Children's Hospital since every time she is injured it is the same ankle. Also scheduled some physical therapy. After she saw her new doctor, he XRayed her ankle and found what he called a "huge" fracture of her heel. He said he was surprised she even walked on it, much less continued tumbling. Katie now is in a "boot" to stabilize her foot while we wait for it to heal. Of course she is still practicing gymnastics, just not "punching" activities with her foot like vault and tumbling runs.

So, we have been practicing waiting. A lot. A lot of patience and waiting. For a while there when someone else was healing I would think "What else?" I now consider that a jinx, don't ever say "what else?"

So now we wait. And with all that wait time I realized a few things. I shared with my new staff for my new school how I really try to find light in dark times. What light was there in this? Now, finally, I have time to share what I realized.

1. Don't take health for granted. Although my sledding accident in December is minor compared to the situations of others, take care of yourself and keep on top of your health.

2. Be amazed at your family's love. If I wasn't around this amazing family of people who welcomed me initially as "one of theirs" and continue to support both the family living in my house and my mom, I think I honestly would have been checked into the hospital myself.

3. Take time to be with those you love. It's easy to get locked into needing to do for others instead of scheduling time for those you love.

4. Lean on friends who offer. My dear friends and colleagues at work carried me through January obligations and responsibilities at work, as well as lended moral support.

5. Sometimes it takes a trialing time to strengthen your bond. Ron could read me like a book and knew when I needed a 45 min. bath to chill out or a card to keep my chin up.

6. Life happens. Sometimes it's rough and the best laid plans can get rewritten.

We will be fine because not only does time (waiting) heal wounds, they also strengthen us. Don't feel sad, time is wasted with sad. Look for strength in things that matter. Move through the chaos and helpless feelings and keep looking for the things that are good. You can do it. We are.

Promise the next post will be more cheerful. I felt the lapse in post time needed to be explained.

Love to you all