Sunday, October 12, 2008

He Remembered

Hello again!

Ron is so observant. This summer we went hiking on Mt. Rainier with "the cousins" (and their parents). It was great fun to take preteen girls who squeal about spiderwebs through trees and watch the boys take off on their own talking and climbing, and throwing snowballs in the middle of July while wearing shorts. It was truly a day filled with laughter and smiles. During that trip we stopped into Paradise Lodge for a treat and a look. I mentioned in passing that I always wanted to stay in the lodge, since I was a little girl visiting with my parents, brother, and whoever came to visit. He remembered, and booked a night for us to celebrate our anniversary.

I was told to save the date, and told what types of clothes to pack. No idea where we were going. So exciting! We left straight from work, the kids were watched by Aunt Jen. All practices and commitments were covered.

This trip was cold, actually the last weekend the lodge would be open before closing for Winter. There was no snow on the ground, but beautiful colors of Fall were everywhere. The cliffs, meadows, and passes looked like they were on fire in some spots. We stopped every time I said I wanted a picture. (Yes! I got a night with my guy AND got to shoot pictures on the fly!) I have never seen "the mountain" with fall colors painted on it. The one season I'd missed.

It was a beautiful weekend. It was so quiet, the misty rain muted all noise. Crackling giant fires in the two fireplaces in the lobby. Sitting in overstuffed chairs and sofas while drinking a glass of wine. Eating in a restaurant where people from ages ago ate. Beautiful windows where the glass was setting to the bottom of each pane. I was in awe the entire time.

How did he remember? I think it was just a quick comment as kids ventured into a gift shop. He hears these things, and remembers. Ron works so hard on us, he pays attention, even while we are zooming around in the middle of daily life.

I loved this special time to go and live something I'd wanted for 20 years with him. What I had imagined about staying there was true. Rustic, part of history, calming. What I realized in the middle of it all is that my life is blessed, to be married to this man. I knew that, but I remembered all over again. He does these things, little and big, to help our marriage all of the time. How lucky am I?

Sorry if this is too gooey of a post for you. Just had to be expressed. Here are some shots of this trip to the mountain. Hopefully my emotions come through in the shots.

Take care of each other~