What will the kids in my class be like? Will they like me? Which ones do I need to watch out for?
I used to watch out for the "naughty" kids. I was not one of them. Who knew what they'd do to you, maybe take your lunch money? Now I watch out for the ones who need an extra dose of confidence, who need a reassuring pat, or need some lunch money. I watch for which boy or girl hangs back and needs to be introduced to new friends, or the spunky ones who may need a calming friend themselves.
Call me sappy or idealistic. Go ahead. I hope I'm sappy and idealistic. We need more idealists. I pray to get them in my class so I can encourage them to dream. Besides, it's a new year. There are many possibilities.
I am lucky to have this job. Yes, it's exhausting. Yes, I know I get invested too easily with my new little friends. Sometimes their hurts become my hurts. Sometimes I'm so tired it's difficult to have energy for my own family. But I still remember my precious teachers, both from childhood and those I call "mentors" that I work with today. I hope I make a difference in"my kids' " lives. I know they make a difference in mine!
Here are some shots of my "personal, family kids" on their first day of school. I can't wait to ask them about their teachers at dinner and who they feel like they've connected with. It's a great day to begin another year of possibilities!
Jeff entering 10th grade (Am I honestly THAT old?)
Katie enters 6th grade. One more year, then off to middle school.
Yes, we are back to the busy time. But Ron and I paused long enough to appreciate this amongst the growing To-Do list tonight. The first night of the new school/activity/sports year. Life is good.
Take care