Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Hi and Happy New Year to you all,

I hope your Christmas was wonderful and restful. And safe. Driving was precarious round here, but all we know did OK. It was neat to see people getting out of cars to help those stuck, another reason I'm glad we returned home.

We had an entire week of snow. Deep snow that you play in and it's still there the next day. Snow where the snowman doesn't look like he's wearing a green fuzzy sweater. Snow where you sled all day long with all the cousins and you don't hit dirt. Real snow like on TV.

We traveled to get to the snow just the week before. Went to Leavenworth. If you've never been, you need to. We went for the town lighting, where the whole village is lit by lights. (In case you don't know, I'm crazy nuts about Christmas lights!) It has become a tradition in our family to go play in the snow there, watch the lighting, and sing Silent Night with strangers in the streets. We went with the Killoughs, friends who introduced us to their annual pilgrimage tradition. Our kids ask if we are going every fall now. "When are we going to Leavenworth this year?" Awesome time to connect with good old fashioned fun. Sledding, besides my one yucky crash on my only run, mulled wine, snowball fights. Even though it was chilly, we were warm together.

Here's to a Happy New Year to you all. Those with new babies, new homes, new hobbies, and new hopes. I hope you find peace with those you love.

PS Check out the link to the right for more snow shots. Slowly but surely, that portfolio is getting built!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Add Video?

Hey there,

Playing around because, , I have a moment. I thought I'd post some video for people far from us to see. Seems like the only time we have video is of the kids' performances/competitions. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Small(ish) town, small neighborhood, big smiles

OK, for Western Washington this fall has been GORGEOUS so far. Yep, of course, there has been rain, but seriously it has also been crisp and wonderful.

If you have seen where we live, you would know that it looks pretty rural. (We own a barn for goodness sake!) However, we are literally less than 5 minutes from the busiest intersections in our small-ish town. Tucking into a pocket of quiet, except for neighborhood dogs chatting back and forth. Best of both worlds.

One of the coolest things that is near us is a little farm across the road. The guy who lives there has turned it slowly back into a working farm. This spring we saw calves in the pasture (the really wooly, Scottish ones). He cut down a cedar and planked it to repair his barn this spring. With the help of his friend he has also begun to grow different crops. Last summer he put out a little picnic table with a drop payment box and began selling some of what he grew.

People walking their dogs or riding their bikes will make a point to stop and see what's for sale, and perhaps bring home tomatoes, corn, lettuce, or now - gourds and pumpkins. Of course I had to buy some, hello! It's fall! I'd rather support my neighbor that folks I don't know.

Since it's right across from us, I check it out every day on my way past. Rain or shine, Toby's wares are out there. I just think it's a neat little quirky thing that makes us feel farther from the middle of town than we are. Sometimes that's a great thing. It's almost when I see the stand I take a deep cleansing breath. Like I said above, small neighborhood, big smiles.

Happy Fall to all,


Sunday, October 12, 2008

He Remembered

Hello again!

Ron is so observant. This summer we went hiking on Mt. Rainier with "the cousins" (and their parents). It was great fun to take preteen girls who squeal about spiderwebs through trees and watch the boys take off on their own talking and climbing, and throwing snowballs in the middle of July while wearing shorts. It was truly a day filled with laughter and smiles. During that trip we stopped into Paradise Lodge for a treat and a look. I mentioned in passing that I always wanted to stay in the lodge, since I was a little girl visiting with my parents, brother, and whoever came to visit. He remembered, and booked a night for us to celebrate our anniversary.

I was told to save the date, and told what types of clothes to pack. No idea where we were going. So exciting! We left straight from work, the kids were watched by Aunt Jen. All practices and commitments were covered.

This trip was cold, actually the last weekend the lodge would be open before closing for Winter. There was no snow on the ground, but beautiful colors of Fall were everywhere. The cliffs, meadows, and passes looked like they were on fire in some spots. We stopped every time I said I wanted a picture. (Yes! I got a night with my guy AND got to shoot pictures on the fly!) I have never seen "the mountain" with fall colors painted on it. The one season I'd missed.

It was a beautiful weekend. It was so quiet, the misty rain muted all noise. Crackling giant fires in the two fireplaces in the lobby. Sitting in overstuffed chairs and sofas while drinking a glass of wine. Eating in a restaurant where people from ages ago ate. Beautiful windows where the glass was setting to the bottom of each pane. I was in awe the entire time.

How did he remember? I think it was just a quick comment as kids ventured into a gift shop. He hears these things, and remembers. Ron works so hard on us, he pays attention, even while we are zooming around in the middle of daily life.

I loved this special time to go and live something I'd wanted for 20 years with him. What I had imagined about staying there was true. Rustic, part of history, calming. What I realized in the middle of it all is that my life is blessed, to be married to this man. I knew that, but I remembered all over again. He does these things, little and big, to help our marriage all of the time. How lucky am I?

Sorry if this is too gooey of a post for you. Just had to be expressed. Here are some shots of this trip to the mountain. Hopefully my emotions come through in the shots.

Take care of each other~

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oh my gosh! Who is picking up (insert child's name here) at (insert ever changing time here)?!?

Okay, so far in life we have been truly blessed. Luckily one of the two of us has been able to take our kids with us to work, drop them off on the way to meetings, or have a family member fill in after returning home to our great state. (I always thought things would get easier as they got older. No more diapers, can feed themselves, getting involved with friends other than Mommy and Daddy, dress on their own, etc.) Jeff has his permit now, and wants time to practice of course, and Katie is doing gymnastics and chorus after school hours now. In addition, we have 3 start and finish times for school in our family.

We have come to realize now that we require a schematic to organize a transportation plan now. Our adult schedules are organized usually via email, and read something like this:

What time are you finished at work today? I think I can get out at _____.

What time will you be driving past Jeff/Katie's school? Can you pick them up and get them to destination A by time B?

Who do we know who could help with that one?

Great. Just checked my calendar and I have a meeting at X o'clock. Won't be home until Y now.

Do you have time to swing past the grocery store? The kids just told me we are out of dogfood. (Always, always out of dog food)

If you are giggling along with me that is both a comfort and a tiny bit sad. Been there? Living it! Oh well, we have our health and each other. It's all good stuff, just requires a bit more planning as well as flexibility.

Speaking of flexibility, Katie had her first meet this season and placed second overall (meaning, take the scores of all four events and add 'em up). The parents AND big brother were cheering her on. She couldn't have been more pleased. Jeff spent the "wait time" (lots of wait time at gymnatic meets) studying. He is so focused on grades! Currently he's practicing for Jazz Band tryouts.

Remember the post I had a while back lamenting the time spent in the car with the kids? Well, I know that I was crazy, however I couldn't help but smile as we drove home from Katie's meet, all four of us, in the car. Of course, the kids were either plugged into IPods or books, but we were together. I seriously did smile.

Here are a couple of shots of us. More to follow I'm sure.

Take care~

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School's In!

Do you remember it? The first day of school? Anxiety, excitement, and tempera paint all rolled into one big "new school year smell?" New wake up times, new shoes and new routines? I get the same feelings I had as a student every year, and now I'm the teacher.

What will the kids in my class be like? Will they like me? Which ones do I need to watch out for?

I used to watch out for the "naughty" kids. I was not one of them. Who knew what they'd do to you, maybe take your lunch money? Now I watch out for the ones who need an extra dose of confidence, who need a reassuring pat, or need some lunch money. I watch for which boy or girl hangs back and needs to be introduced to new friends, or the spunky ones who may need a calming friend themselves.

Call me sappy or idealistic. Go ahead. I hope I'm sappy and idealistic. We need more idealists. I pray to get them in my class so I can encourage them to dream. Besides, it's a new year. There are many possibilities.

I am lucky to have this job. Yes, it's exhausting. Yes, I know I get invested too easily with my new little friends. Sometimes their hurts become my hurts. Sometimes I'm so tired it's difficult to have energy for my own family. But I still remember my precious teachers, both from childhood and those I call "mentors" that I work with today. I hope I make a difference in"my kids' " lives. I know they make a difference in mine!

Here are some shots of my "personal, family kids" on their first day of school. I can't wait to ask them about their teachers at dinner and who they feel like they've connected with. It's a great day to begin another year of possibilities!

Jeff entering 10th grade (Am I honestly THAT old?)

Katie enters 6th grade. One more year, then off to middle school.

Yes, we are back to the busy time. But Ron and I paused long enough to appreciate this amongst the growing To-Do list tonight. The first night of the new school/activity/sports year. Life is good.

Take care

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Family Time

I mentioned my family on my last entry, so I wanted to share a little bit about our lives to give you some background.

Many of you know that our family is rather busy. No really, we are zooming around town quite regularly. You know what they say about idle hands...

My husband, Ron, is back to work. He is also in the education world, but his schedule is "full time August 1." We are high school sweethearts. I am so lucky to be married to my very best friend.
He makes me laugh daily, which sometimes is challenging I'm sure. :)

Our boy, the oldest, changes daily before my eyes. Jeff is a kind soul, patient, and smart. He still reads ferociously, although he is developing many interests in the world of high school. His latest is joining the marching band, and will travel for competitions this year.
Katie is a bundle of energy. Cracking jokes, writing stories and poetry, playing with our dogs, and of course gymnastics. Her hero is Sean Johnson, and we were glued to the Olympic Games. She loves all things young, from babies to animals. Her sense of humor is inherited from her father.

We are all excited to be going back to school soon, however as the time draws nearer I keep counting special minutes. I will miss spontaneously cooking with my daughter when she asks me to teach her. I will miss seeing my son reading outdoors. Running errands with one of them sitting beside me. (I know, some of you with younger kiddos may disagree, but I truly will miss their company and conversation in the car.)

I have to remember to take a moment each day to appreciate the small moments that can build a lasting memory. All of my happiest this summer were times we scheduled to "just" be together. I am glad we scheduled these times.

Warm wishes,


Monday, August 25, 2008

And so it begins...

**Mt. Rainier, July '08

Okay, okay. I have caught the bug.

First my friend Stephanie began a blog after she moved from Texas (miss her dearly), and then another dear friend Cathy. I have often thought of starting, but didn't know what content to include.

I teach as a profession, so found a little time to ponder life this summer. My interests? My family's activities, reading all sorts of things, gardening, and photography are a few. Photography as a creative activity has escaped me for a while, mostly snapping shots of family at gatherings or trips. ~Of course they are some of my favorite subjects, and I have begun recording the changes of my growing kids with ferocity.

Pat, my photography teacher a couple of years back, mentioned how photography gives you license to slow down and permission to see. It takes a moment to frame a shot, as many of you know, to consider the angles and notice the beauty. Blogging will require a moment of consideration in what's happening in our blurry lives. That's the reason for the title of this space.

I will later post some stories of family, but for now am including some of my favorite digital shots. (Yes, I still cling to the film of the dark ages, but I am branching out.) Forgive me for fighting it so long, I am growing and learning.

Leaving Mt. Rainier...

Tiny active creatures in our garden...

Traditional dancers dangling from pole in Puerto Vallarta
Take care my friends.