OK, for Western Washington this fall has been GORGEOUS so far. Yep, of course, there has been rain, but seriously it has also been crisp and wonderful.
If you have seen where we live, you would know that it looks pretty rural. (We own a barn for goodness sake!) However, we are literally less than 5 minutes from the busiest intersections in our small-ish town. Tucking into a pocket of quiet, except for neighborhood dogs chatting back and forth. Best of both worlds.
One of the coolest things that is near us is a little farm across the road. The guy who lives there has turned it slowly back into a working farm. This spring we saw calves in the pasture (the really wooly, Scottish ones). He cut down a cedar and planked it to repair his barn this spring. With the help of his friend he has also begun to grow different crops. Last summer he put out a little picnic table with a drop payment box and began selling some of what he grew.
People walking their dogs or riding their bikes will make a point to stop and see what's for sale, and perhaps bring home tomatoes, corn, lettuce, or now - gourds and pumpkins. Of course I had to buy some, hello! It's fall! I'd rather support my neighbor that folks I don't know.
Since it's right across from us, I check it out every day on my way past. Rain or shine, Toby's wares are out there. I just think it's a neat little quirky thing that makes us feel farther from the middle of town than we are. Sometimes that's a great thing. It's almost when I see the stand I take a deep cleansing breath. Like I said above, small neighborhood, big smiles.
Happy Fall to all,